5 Fantastic Tips for Throwing The Perfect Baby Shower
How do you plan the perfect baby shower? We show you how to celebrate your baby on the way.
There was a time when the concept of a baby shower was unknown in the UK but as we lean closer and closer to the traditions from the US, they have become a much-loved part of the fun of preparing for the birth of your baby.
What is a Baby Shower?
A baby shower is a party organised by the family and friends of a pregnant women that is traditionally thrown shortly before the baby’s birth.
It is a way to spoil the woman and to look forward to the baby’s arrival. Guests usually bring gifts along for the mum, the baby or both.
Who Organises a Baby Shower?
The mum-to-be should not have to organise her own shower, so it usually falls to a friend or relation. It should be someone who knows the mum-to-be well, so that they know her tastes and likes. Alternatively, if you are having a more elaborate shower, you might want to employ a party planner and perhaps hire a venue too, or a restaurant might be the perfect option.
When Should a Baby Shower Be Held?
The perfect time to hold it would be about six weeks before the baby’s due date.
- Invitations
It’s tricky making sure that everyone is able to attend, so it’s a good idea to check with all the most important people before setting the date – so that’s the immediate family, close friends, godparents and so on. Make sure invitations are sent in plenty of time and that you follow up on responses, so that you know how many people are coming.
Should a Baby Shower Have a Theme?
Some people like to have a theme for the baby shower. If the gender of the baby is known, there might be decorations and food that’s suited to that – think pink cupcakes or blue balloons.

What Presents Should People Bring to a Baby Shower?
It’s a great idea for the parents of the expected baby to have a think about what they still need for their baby’s arrival and then to make a list. Guests at the shower can then choose something from the list. This means that the parents will receive gifts that they like and need. The list might be complied by the organiser of the shower or it could be held online at a retailer, like a wedding list.
What Food and Drinks Should You Serve at a Baby Shower?
Any good party is made by the food you serve - and the drinks. If you are holding the shower at a café or restaurant, make sure you discuss the menu for the shower in plenty of time and confirm the expected number of people attending. If you are catering it at home, make sure the food will be easy for everyone to eat – finger or bowl food is perfect – and also be sure to check if you have any people with specific dietary needs or preferences such as needing gluten-free or vegan food. A mixture of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks is the perfect way to celebrate and you might want to theme the food and drinks, to give them more of a focus. You may want to have a cake to cut – though individual cupcakes or cake pops are more popular for showers. Make sure you have plenty of plates, bowls and cutlery, plus napkins and table decorations. You can also decorate the venue with balloons, bunting, flowers and so on, plus photos of the mum- and dad-to-be.
Baby Shower Games
Plan some fun activities to keep the fun moving right along with baby shower games. There might be one activity, such as making an item for the parents or baby, or you might have several smaller games. You can also schedule in a time for the new parents to open their gifts.
Have a keepsake book that guests can sign; an Instamatic camera is also a great idea – guests can take their pictures with the mum-to-be and then stick the photo into the keepsake book, along with a comment.
What are your favourite ideas for a baby shower?
Further Reading:
Seven tips for mastering your baby’s Christmas sleep routine
Can’t get together in person? See our tips for a virtual baby shower
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