Travelling with a Newborn Baby? Here is a Helpful Travel Checklist
What to take when travelling with a tiny baby!
Travelling with a newborn baby may not seem such a great idea but there are many reasons why it’s perfect for new parents wanting a break.
Becoming a parent does not have to signal the end of your wanderlust and if travelling makes you happy then it’s something you must do. Yes, there is a lot to think about but you will be making memories that can last a lifetime - and that’s priceless.
We hope this post will help calm your fears and help you to achieve the best summer holiday ever. We’ll start with the ultimate newborn baby travel checklist. Let us know if we’ve missed anything!
Newborn Checklist
Obviously, your baby’s needs are of the utmost importance and when you’re away, it’s a good idea to keep these in mind at all times. Because of this, we’ve divided our checklist into sections that will make it easier for you:

Small babies sleep a lot, so you need to think carefully about their sleep needs and what those needs are likely to be by the time you go away. Don’t forget to pack:
- SnoozeShade for sleep on the go. Keep this in your hand luggage so you can whip it out at the airport when you need to.
- Travel cot (or make sure that there will be a suitable sleeping space for your baby when you arrive)
- Pushchair and sling/carrier
- Pop up UV tent. These are fabulous to take with you out to the beach as they provide sun protection and give your baby a sheltered space to kick out and rest
- White noise app. If your baby is unsettled, white noise can be amazing when it comes to soothing to sleep
- Dummies/pacifiers
- Blankets/swaddles
Try to plan travel around baby’s usual nap times if you can, or at least make sure you have the means for your baby to sleep on the go. For this, you need your pushchair and SnoozeShade.
Breastfeeding mums may not need to bring as much gear as bottle-feeding mums but there are still a few travel essentials you need to remember:
- Breast pads
- Breast pump (if used)
- Nipple cream- just in case!
- Nursing bras
- Burp cloths
If you’re bottle-feeding, add these items to your checklist:
- Bottles
- Formula
- Bottle cleaner
- Spare teats
- Burp cloths
- Steriliser
Make sure you have enough supplies for the entire journey and some extra. You never know what’s going to happen and if you run out your baby is going to let you know she’s not happy! If you know you can buy your brand where you’re going, then just bring enough for a couple of days to save on packing space. It’s also a good idea to take a travel kettle if you’re not sure if there will be one there.
Newborn babies come with a lot of baggage! For everything else, make sure you remember to bring:
- Infant paracetamol
- First aid kit
- Any prescribed medications
- Nappies - at least enough for your travel day plus one more
- Wipes
- Nappy bags
- Spare clothes
- Muslins
- Baby towel
- Soft toys
- Swaddle blanket
- Changing mats
- Baby toiletries- shampoo and body wash etc
- Baby car seat
Have we missed anything? Share your tips with us on our social channels.
Further Reading:
Going Self-Catering on Holiday? Here's Our Checklist for Travel With Baby
Three Baby Sleep Problems - And Their Solution!
Which SnoozeShade do I need for my pushchair?