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New Year Baby Sleep Goals with Sleep Expert Sally

New Year Baby Sleep Goals with Sleep Expert Sally

This is a guest post from Sally @ Mini Sleepers. Connect with her on social media @minisleepers or via her website

New Year, New Sleep Goals

As a new year begins, it's natural to reflect on the things we want to improve.

For parents of babies and toddlers, sleep is often top of the list, both for their little ones and for themselves! But as the saying goes, "If you change nothing, nothing will change."

The start of a new year is the perfect time to reset and create positive sleep patterns.

The holiday season, while magical, often brings disruption to routines. Late nights, travel, house guests, or overstimulation from festive activities can cause sleep setbacks. These "blips" are common but temporary if you take proactive steps to restore your child's sleep routine.



Here are some strategies to resolve holiday season induced sleep disruptions:

1. Re-establish a consistent schedule.

Babies and toddlers thrive on consistency. Post-holiday, prioritise returning to their usual wake-up, nap, and bedtime schedule. Even if sleep was off track during Christmas, consistency will help their body clock readjust.

2. Prioritise the Sleep Environment

After weeks of bright lights, loud noises, and unfamiliar settings, create a calm and predictable sleep environment. Use blackout curtains, white noise, and keep the room cool and comfortable to signal that it's time for rest.

3. Ease Back into Independence.

If your child became used to extra cuddles, co-sleeping, or rocking during the holidays, it's okay to gradually transition back to their usual sleep setup. If needed pick a settling strategy that you feel comfortable using consistently.

4. Be Patient and Persistent.

Change takes time, and it's normal for a child to resist at first. Stick to your plan and remember that consistency is key to success.

New Year Resolutions for Better Sleep

If you've been struggling with sleep even before the holiday season, now is the perfect opportunity to make meaningful changes. Reflect on what hasn't been working, and commit to new habits that will support your baby or toddler's sleep in 2025.


Here are some resolutions to inspire you:

1. Set a Realistic Bedtime Routine

A predictable bedtime routine helps signal to your little one that sleep is approaching. This might include a warm bath, quiet storytime, or a lullaby. Aim for 20-30 minutes of calm, screen-free activities before bed.


2. Create a Clear Plan for Night Wakings.

If night wakings are a challenge, decide how you'll respond. Whether it's offering a quick check-in or encouraging self-settling, consistency in your approach will help reduce frequent wake-ups.


3. Introduce Healthy Sleep Associations

Does your baby need to be rocked or fed to sleep? Consider gently transitioning them to fall asleep independently. You might what to start by putting them down awake in their cot and use your chosen settling method.

4. Set Boundaries for Toddlers

For older toddlers, resisting bedtime or frequent night visits can become a habit. Use tools like social stories or reward charts to reinforce when it's time to stay in bed.


5. Prioritise Your Own Rest

Let's not forget about you! Better sleep for your little one often means better sleep for parents, but don't hesitate to ask for help, take naps, or adjust your own habits to ensure you're getting the rest you need.

It's easy to fall into patterns, but as parents, we have the power to make small changes that lead to big improvements. That's why the mantra "If you change nothing, nothing will change" is so relevant to sleep.


Stages of change

pre contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance.

Let's explore how understanding these stages can guide you in creating and sustaining better sleep habits for your little one.

Stage 1: Precontemplation - Recognising the Problem

In this stage, you might not fully see sleep as an issue yet. Perhaps you're used to broken nights or chaotic nap schedules and have told yourself, "this is just how it is with a baby or toddler."

However, if you're consistently feeling exhausted or your child is struggling to settle, it's time to evaluate.

Tip: Begin tracking your child's sleep habits. Observe patterns, difficulties, and behaviours. Awareness is the first step toward change.


Stage 2: Contemplation - Thinking About Change

Now that you've recognised the need for change, you may find yourself hesitating. Thoughts like, "Can I really stick to a bedtime routine?" or "What if sleep training feels too hard?" are normal. The good news is that small, manageable adjustments can yield big results.

In this stage, parents often weigh the pros and cons of making changes. While change requires effort, the reward a well-rested child and parent is worth it.

Tip: Research and reflect. Learn about age-appropriate sleep routines and strategies. Identify the challenges that resonate with your situation and outline what success might look like for your family.


Stage 3 : Planning for Success

Change doesn't happen overnight, and success comes with preparation. In this stage, you can start setting goals and making a plan to address sleep challenges.

For instance:

  • If your toddler resists bedtime, plan to implement a consistent bedtime routine with calming activities like reading or a bath.
  • If your baby struggles to sleep through the night, explore different sleep-training methods.

Tip: Define your starting point. Decide on a bedtime, a wind-down routine, or an approach to night wakings.

Stage 4: Action - Implementing the Change

Here comes the toughest but most rewarding phase: taking action. Whether it's establishing a new bedtime, encouraging self-settling, or sticking to a nap schedule, this stage is about consistency.

At first, your baby or toddler may resist the changes.

This is normal, it's their way of adjusting. Patience and perseverance are key here. Remember, habits take time to form.

Tip: Stick to your plan, even when it feels challenging.

Celebrate small wins, like an easier bedtime or a slightly longer nap, and stay committed to the process.


Stage 5: Maintenance - Sustaining the Routine

Once you've made progress, it's crucial to maintain these changes. This stage is about consistency and adapting as your baby grows and their sleep needs evolve.

For example, your toddler might drop a nap, or your baby's bedtime might shift slightly. Flexibility within a framework is essential.

Tip: Monitor your child's sleep regularly and adjust as needed. Reflect on what's working and make minor tweaks to keep things on track.


Change takes time and effort, but the payoff a happier, well-rested family is worth every moment. This year, commit to making sleep a priority. You've got this!

So here is to a 2025 filled with better sleep x


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