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why baby naps outside are a good thing

Napping on the go is good for babies - here's why!

Has your baby only really been napping inside this past year? Now's the time to get them used to napping on the go. Lindsey, the sleep consultant at tells us why... 

"With the UK lockdown restrictions now starting to ease and summer approaching, I’m sure we’re all keen to start getting outside more.  For many babies this past year has meant a lot of time spent indoors and many are used to only napping in their cot, but don’t let this put you off going out for the day.

Babies are very adaptable and a nap on the go can be just as good as a nap in the cot if the conditions are right.  Mimicking the darkness of the bedroom that they are used to is one of the main elements that will help your baby take that long restful sleep that they need.  Being outside has so many benefits, babies and children will enjoy the new experiences, exposure to nature and the fresh air that we’ve all been looking forward to for so long.  

Being outdoors has added health benefits too because it actually decreases exposure to germs meaning less coughs and colds! Another advantage of naps on the go is that they also allow families to have flexibility so that they can finally enjoy days out again."

get outside with your baby

Great reasons to get napping-on-the-go there from Lindsey! Now some normality is creeping back into our lives you'll want to have the freedom of heading out with the buggy and knowing that your baby will stay snoozy and safe whilst you shop, walk, head to the zoo or any of the things we'll be allowed to do soon! Of course, what better way to give your baby that darker atmosphere, along with protecting them from the sun's harmful rays than a SnoozeShade. Whether your baby is a new-born in a carrycot or sitting up in a world-facing buggy we have a range of sun shades to ensure a good nap! The snoozing baby emblem will also stop people from going in to touch, kiss or stroke your baby.

So what are you waiting for? Get yourself and your baby out into the fresh air for a stroll! 


You can follow Lindsey on Instagram @peacefulsleepsecrets where she shares helpful hints and tips or find out more about her sleep consultations.



Find the right SnoozeShade for your baby

Select your baby's sitting position in the pram: